Well, obviously many many around the world whom play RuneScape have been known to quit RuneScape because they removed the excellent pking they had. It was back in the days when players died, the opponent got everything they had on death, which made PKing fun.
Now days, you only get a random generated drop, when your opponent dies, making PKing a lot less fun.
JAGEX, the Owners and Developers of RuneScape, also added a new feature to RuneScape called the "Trade Limit", where you cannot trade over a certain amount that is very low, to another player. It all depends on your quest points, there more quest points you have, the more you can trade. Once traded the maximum you can trade, you have to wait another 15 minutes until you can trade that amount again.
By doing this, Jagex completely ruined their reputation, and many people quit RuneScape forcing Jagex to loose LOADS of money, since a lot of the people that quit were members, which costed a certain amount of money per month.
Personally, I think this was one of the biggest mistakes that Jagex could of ever made, with RuneScape.
Post what you think!